Costantino Roselli: What is the metaverse and why do brands have it all wrong, Living your perfect life, The human technological species, Fashion as persona, Wearables, Virtual fashion, Phygitals, JP Morgan, Lessons from the future and much more…

About Costantino Roselli

Costantino Roselli is an author, entrepreneur, marketer, and futurist. He is the founder of NTZNS, a virtual entertainment studio and fashion multi-brand marketplace with a community of 3500+ designers and influencers. 

As you will hear from our conversation, there are few people in the world who think about the metaverse with such a succinct and long term vision as Costantino. 

When he isn’t imagining our virtual future, Constantino helps fashion and luxury brands get established, find their position and embrace the emerging technology that leads to sustainability and inclusivity. 

How is Constantino described on his LinkedIn Bio?

“If J.K. Rowling and Sherlock Holmes had a child, it would be Costantino Roselli. He combines elements nobody sees, raises brand identities you never thought were there, and creates brand stories people are dying to hear. LinkedIn ranked him in the top 1% of people in the Marketing industry. “My bestseller proves only that today someone with zero budget, and understanding how the connection economy works, can beat the system.”

Costantino is behind the success of many known brands and products that you might be wearing, holding in your hand, using in your daily life, or parking in your garage. He holds two masters in Digital Marketing and Leadership, a Diploma in Management of Arts, Culture & Communication, a bachelor’s in Computer Science, and over 21 certificates in Future Thinking, Gamification, Storytelling, Brand Management, Fashion & Luxury Management, Communication, Growth Hacking Marketing, Human Psychology, and Human-Technology Interaction.”

Please enjoy the show!

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"You need to destroy the perfect to enable the impossible."

"If I need a replica, I can take a photo. Why would you do that in the metaverse where you can build impossible worlds?"

"Let's create something first, and then we speak about the money."

More Quotes From Costantino Roselli

“If I need a replica, I can take a photo. Why would you do that in the metaverse where you can build impossible worlds?”

“You must destroy the perfect.”

“The metaverse is about storytelling, we have to create a fictional world. Why would you go to a second world that replicates this one?”

“Put the gamification in a viable life you have there.”

“It’s money. 3% of people are visionaries, the rest want to know how to make money. OK, so we create the same thing.”

“There are founders out there who want to build something great, but their investors don’t allow them.”

“You asked for the machine. We asked for the machine, and now we have the machine!”

Show Notes and Timestamps

0:00 Hello

1:58 Costantino Roselli

2:57 Virtual Fashion In The Metaverse

3:12 History Of Virtual Fashion

4:38 Fashion As Persona

9:36 Your Avatar(s)

12:00 Boring Metaverse!

18:06 The Importance Of Art

20:07 Metaverse Culture

22:43 You Asked For The Machine

25:37 How Brands Can Win In Metaverse

29:07 Experience

33:55 Tribal Community

40:11 Hierarchical V Emergent Brands

43:50 Generation Alpha Metaverse

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