Real conversations about the impact of emerging technologies on your business & culture

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Guests and Friends of Thinking on Paper

Markus Thielen – Bitcoin History And ETF
Luz Donahue – Abstract ART NFTS
Neil Redding – Near Futurism & Spatial Computing
Sebastien Borget – The Sandbox And Metaverse
Evan Shapiro – The Media 
Rebecca Noonan – Virtual Super Events
Dominik Karaman – Web3 Brand Strategy
Julio Ottino – Nexus Thinking
Jesper Nordin – Computer Game Music
Josh Katz – NFT Tickets
Dr Ankur Pathak – Cryptocurrency Investing
Viroshan Naicker – Quantum Computing Crash Course
Kevin Riedl – Blockchain Coding
Dean Wilson – NFT Music And DeadMau5
Yolanda Barton – Web3 Culture Storytelling
Charlie Northrup – AI Agents And Hyperconnectivity
Kassi Burns – How Lawyers Are Using AI
Josh Goldblum – VR and AR In Museums
Jonathan Blanco – Web3 Business And Brands
B-Earl – Take Down Hollywood
Keatly Halderman – Blockchain Music Publishing
Elizabeth Strickler – Metaverse University Education
Pico Velasquez – Building The Real Metaverse
Reid Blackman – AI Ethics
Inder Phull – Music In The Metaverse
 Leo Nasskau – Web3 and NFT Charity
Costantino Roselli – Virtual Fashion and The Future of the Metaverse

Why Are So Many Listening To Thinking On Paper?

thinking on paper podcast

In today’s world, technology isn’t just a tool—it is an inseparable part of your life.

It shapes your relationships, your work, and your culture.

Yet, its rapid evolution can be overwhelming, leaving many feeling left behind or confused about where to start.

Technology is in your pocket, by your bed, on your table and between you and your loved ones. It influences every aspect of your life. Yet it can often feel invisible, making it hard for you to grasp its true impact.

How do you keep up with this ever-changing landscape?

How do you stay relevant and informed when new developments happen at breakneck speed?

Like you, we were overwhelmed with meaningless, shouty content.

Why couldn’t AI, blockchain and quantum computing be accessible, practical, and relevant?

Practical Knowledge

We break down emerging tech, so you can use it in your job.

Web3 Demystified

Learn about tokenization, community building, NFTs, blockchain, and more.

Simplified Complex Subjects

We cut through the noise, delivering insights you can understand.

Cultural Insights

Explore the cultural and philosophical ramifications of emerging technology.

Whether you’re a CEO, founder, professional or just a curious mind, Thinking On Paper will help you understand the impact emerging technologies are having on your family, friends, job and culture.

Meet your podcast hosts

Jeremy Gilbertson is a Nexus Thinker and interdisciplinary entrepreneur working across music, technology and story. He leads his wellness mastermind Write To Know You at major universities and organizations around the world. You can see him action on stage at Vivatech, the world’s largest tech conference, below. 


Mark Fielding is a storyteller, writer, speaker and podcaster. He writes about emerging technologies for LVMH & Culture3. In 2021 he founded the Metaverse-Writer to explore the nascent metaverse space. As a self-published author his book on stoic parenting Apocalypse Daddy is available on Amazon. As well as the Thinking On Paper podcast, you can find him on stage at a tech conference near you. 

Emerging Technologies Explained

Artificial Intelligence

How is AI transforming industries and what ethical dilemmas does it introduce? Can AI truly understand and replicate human creativity, or is it bound by its programming?


Beyond cryptocurrencies, how is blockchain technology revolutionizing supply chains, voting systems, and data security? What are the challenges and opportunities of decentralized networks?

Quantum Computing

With the potential to solve problems beyond the reach of classical computers, how will quantum computing impact fields like cryptography, medicine, and artificial intelligence? What are the current limitations and future prospects?

Internet Of Things (IOT)

How is IoT changing the way we interact with the world around us? From smart homes to smart cities, what are the implications for privacy, security, and the economy?


For all questions, please email

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